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Board of Directors
The bylaws designate that the Board of Directors consists of the Officers as voting members and the Committee Chairs and Member Representatives as ad hoc members.

Amy Schweitzer

Alice Lu

Susi Votruba

Anne Blake

Kayla Airaghi
Treasurer-Secretary Elect
Each committee has an appointed or elected chair with volunteer members representing each region. Committees with elected chairs include the Nominating Committee whose chair is the past president of the association and the Planning Committee whose chair is the president-elect of the association. The president of the association designates all other committees and appoints chairs of those committees. A co-chair is also appointed to the Planning Committee. Vice chairs may also be appointed to any committees to assist the chairs and provide continuity for committee work going forward into the next year. Committees can have subcommittees whose chair is appointed by the chair of the main committee. The chair of the committee or his/her designee may provide reports on the activities of the committee for newsletters and for the Board of Directors (BOD). All NARN members are encouraged to join a committee. The Committee Chairs work closely with the BOD in developing goals, projects and timelines for their committees.

Julia Jordan
Editor - Newsletter Committee and Co-Chair, Communications Committee
Member Representatives

Lisa Basel-Brown

Rita Emerson

Julia Lorenzana Peasley

Angela Horgan
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