1. The name of this organization is the National Association for Research Nutrition (NARN), hereafter referred to as the Association.
2. For the purposes of these bylaws, an eligible member is a Registered Dietitian (RD), other nutrition-trained professional, or a business associate who facilitates nutrition research.
1. To provide state-of-the-art nutrition resources to its members and nutrition community. 2. To establish nutrition research standards for Research Centers.
3. To foster participation in activities which advance the techniques and methods of nutrition research.
4. To facilitate interaction among Association Members and the research community. 5. To provide for professional development of Association Members.
6. To advocate for use of Research Centers and nutritional professionals in research centers.
1. Members of the Association will be categorized as Active Members.
2. Active Members are eligible individuals (as defined in Article I, item 2) who pay annual dues. Active members shall have the right to vote, to hold elected office, to chair or serve on committees, and to access the Members-Only section of the Association website and the electronic mailing list.
3. Students who are doing a research experience with an Association member as preceptor shall be granted a student membership and access to the Members-Only section of the Association website to enhance their research experience. Student memberships are valid for the length of their training, provided that an active member sponsors the student. Student members are not required to pay dues. Student members shall have the right to volunteer on committees but shall not have the right to vote, hold elected office, or chair committees.
1. The Board of Directors (BOD) will direct the Association.
2. The business year is from April 1 – March 31.
3. The Officers consist of President, President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Secretary/Treasurer-Elect, and Immediate Past President.
4. The Board of Directors consists of the Officers as voting members and the Committee Chairs and Regional Representatives as ad hoc members.
5. The Four Regions shall be organized on geographical boundaries:
--Region 1 (West): Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho,
Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming --Region 2 (Midwest): Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
--Region 3 (Northeast): Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia
--Region 4 (South): Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Oklahoma.
1. A Member Representative, appointed by the incoming President, represents each region. These Member Representatives coordinate their area's contributions to the Newsletter and any regional meetings held within the region or at an Association meeting. The Member Representatives also serve to facilitate communication between the Board of Directors and the membership. The Member Representative is responsible for assisting with the plans and execution of an Association meeting under the direction of the President-Elect. If the Member Representative position is vacated, an Alternate Member Representative will be selected by the President to assume the responsibilities
2. Prior to March 31 each year, the current Member Representatives will solicit nominations for the new Member Representative from members of each respective region. The new Member Representative will be appointed by the new President, whose term begins April 1, to serve during that person’s term as President. Such appointment will be made in consultation with the outgoing Member Representatives of that region. New Member Representatives should be appointed by April 30
1. President: The President shall be the executive officer of the Association, shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
2. Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President is the Chair of the Nominating Committee. The Past-President will assist the President-Elect
during an Association Meeting with the conduct of the meeting and may serve on the Planning Committee as an ex-officio member for mentoring purposes.
3. President-Elect: The President-Elect is a member of the Board of Directors. In the absence of the President, the President-Elect shall assume the
President's responsibilities. If for any reason, the President cannot complete her/his term of office, the President-Elect will assume the office. The President-Elect is also Chair of the Planning Committee.
4. Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer is a member of the Board of Directors. The Secretary/Treasurer will maintain an up-to-date list of members, take and distribute minutes at all meetings of the Board of Directors, collect annual dues,
supervise all receipts and expenditures and keep record thereof, and assume financial responsibilities of meetings. The Secretary/Treasurer also sends out ballots and collects and counts votes. Meeting minutes may be approved by any member in attendance at the BOD meeting.
5. Secretary/Treasurer-Elect: The Secretary/Treasurer-Elect is a member of the Board of Directors. The Secretary/Treasurer-Elect shall update the on line roster as necessary and maintain a record of by-laws changes. The Secretary/Treasurer-Elect shall also assist the Secretary/Treasurer with all duties related to ballot collections and vote counting. In the absence of the Secretary/Treasurer, the Secretary/Treasurer-Elect shall assume the Secretary/Treasurer responsibilities. If for any reason, the Secretary/Treasurer cannot complete her/his term of office, the Secretary/Treasurer-Elect will assume the office.
1. The Board of Directors conducts the business of the Association and is responsible to the membership for actions taken.
2. The Board of Directors shall convene on a regularly scheduled basis.
3. A majority vote of the Board of Directors shall conduct the business of the Association.
1. The Association shall plan for meetings based on membership needs with preference for in-person meetings when feasible.
2. The President-Elect plans the agenda for any Association meeting in conjunction with the Planning Committee.
3. When these by-laws fail to provide authority for procedures, Roberts Rules of Order shall be used. When necessary, the President shall appoint a Parliamentarian.
4. Webinars presented by the Association shall be at no cost to dues paying members. Nonmembers are welcome to view webinars by either paying a fee ($25 per webinar) or paying dues for the year.
1. The President shall appoint a volunteer member to act as Webmaster of the Association, and shall appoint ad hoc committees and a volunteer member from the Association membership to act as Executive Assistant or Co-Chair of the Planning Committee for the President-Elect in planning and conducting an
Association meeting as needed. The President shall also appoint a volunteer member to act as the Member Matters/Newsletter Editor.
2. Prior to April 30 and after annual elections, the new President (as of April 1st) shall appoint Committee Chairpersons and prescribe the duties of the committees for the term of office for which he/she will serve as President.
3. Each past Committee Chair will be asked to serve as a member of that committee and as a mentor to the incoming Committee Chair.
1. The tenure of all Officers of the Association shall be one year, April 1 – March 31.
2. Elections for Officers shall be conducted in March of each year. Balloting will be open for at least two weeks. Votes will be decided by a simple majority of all those Active Members casting a vote. Votes are counted and verified by the Secretary/Treasurer and the Immediate Past President.
3. Should any BOD elected position be vacated before completion of their term, the BOD will meet and vote on whether shifting responsibilities or filling the position immediately is necessary. If filling the position is deemed necessary, it will be filled by appointment by the President, requiring a majority vote by the BOD and will last for the remainder of the NARN business year. The Nominating Committee will select candidates for any/ all vacated position(s) at the next election period.
1. The original bylaws for this Association were adopted by a majority vote of Active members. Amendments have been and may be made to these bylaws in accordance with Article XI – Amendments.
1. The by-laws may be altered by a simple majority of all those Active Members casting a vote. Proposed changes must be reviewed by the Board of Directors and distributed to all Active Members. Active members will have at least two weeks to review changes and cast a vote.
1. Membership dues in the amount of $35.00 per year will be collected and used for purposes approved by the BOD.
2. Dues will be collected from April 1-April 30 each year.
3. Persons wishing to join the Association after April 30 may do so at any time by paying annual dues in full. Dues will not be prorated.
March 2023